Managing Media Projects - Guide to Programme Markets, Festivals etc, 1
Three annual programme markets stand out in importance above a very large number of other events. They are MIP-TV, every April in Cannes, France; MIP-Com, every October in Cannes; and NATPE, every January in Las Vegas, United States. Links at the end of this page will take you to the website of each of these three markets, from which you can get all the details you want about them.

There are however also a number of specialist markets, and a much larger number of film and television festivals, the latter of varying degrees of esoteric specialism and prestige.

Some of the festivals are exclusively concerned with creative and cultural values and recognising achievement in them, while others also have a strong commercial element, with programmes and films being bought and sold, as well as awarded prizes (or not, in both cases!).

The fourth link at the end of this section, "Festivals", links you to the British Council website in which you will find details of every film and television programme market and festival throughout the world - and throughout the year. There are a great many of them.