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Promoting Your Work

Making people aware of what you do, marketing, publicity etc.

No one will give you work if they don't know what you do or that you exist. This means making direct approaches and proving and showing what you can do, rather than just saying that you can do it. Building a track-record, producing a showreel, contacting people, sending out CV's, finding out about opportunities and being ready to take them. Many people find this difficult and off-putting; you will have to accept responsibility for generating your own work.

Audio Icon Interview Material

Our Media Professionals discuss promoting their work, and how they view self-promotion by others.

Audio Icon Sarah Beecham and Graham Howard
Give the employers perspective on freelancers' and graduates' attempts at

Sarah Beecham and Graham Howard

Audio Icon Victoria Noble
On the promotional benefits of working on high-profile projects, and the
benefits of a showreel

Victoria Noble

Audio Icon Kate Broome
On two types of self-promotion; trumpet-blowing, and quiet reputation-building

Kate Broome

Audio Icon Christine Molloy
On the benefits of different publicity devices

Christine Molloy