Professional Studies for Screen-Based Media
Foundation Degree South West
> Contacts
  Reputation and Track Record
  The Internet
  Negotiating Deals
Negotiating for Business


"It's who you know, not what you know...' is a very familiar saying in the media industry, and there is some truth in this.

Contacts in the media industry are very important and in many cases people would rather employ somebody on a project who comes with a recommendation rather than someone they know very little about. This is perhaps one of the most effective ways of gaining work and it operates on several levels. Established contacts in the industry are also a good source of advice and can help get you into areas of work previously inaccessible outside a particular network. People can move in upward circles and winning a commission in the future might depend on having a contact in a particular place.

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What sort of clients do you work with?

Richard Higgs    7.02 Richard Higgs

Once you have worked on a project and have begun to build a good track record, word of mouth will probably ensure further work comes your way. It is therefore a good idea to keep a comprehensive list of contacts as you progress through your career because you may find yourself in a situation where you need to put a team together for a project, or recommend someone, and finding skilled, reliable team players isn't always easy.

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Is it a good idea to send out showreels?

Richard Higgs    7.03 Richard Higgs
Melanie Leach    7.04 Melanie Leach

Getting people to remember your name and keeping in touch are two very important points to keep in mind, so make sure that you make an impression and that people want to work with you again.

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Martin Morrall    Martin Morrall

7.05 How does Meridian get most of its website work?

7.06 How did you win your most recent pitch (to run the websites of all the broadcasters within the Granada group)?

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Roger Laughton   Does personality count in the media industry?

7.07 Does personality count in the media industry?

7.08 What do potential employers look for in terms of personality?