Weaver, Marketing Manager, Bournemouth
Borough Council |
Moore, Marketing and Promotions Officer
Marwell Zoo, Hampshire |
Once the key opportunities and threats have been identified,
objectives are set. From these objectives a more detailed strategy
can be produced. The brief description here makes the process
look easy, but the reality of course is that the development
a marketing strategy is a complex process involving the most
senior marketers in an organisation and taking up much of their
There are many models and tools available to managers to help
with this process. For example the GE strategic business-planning
grid encourages managers to plot their assessed business strength
for each industry against the assessed industry attractiveness.
These assessments are based on the PEST and SWOT analyses or similar.
Obviously the best approach is to focus on those industries that
are most attractive and where the business strength is high is.
Marketing objectives will broadly relate to products (brands)
and markets. This will include which markets will be exploited
with which products. For some product (service)/market combinations
the objective will relate to an opportunity to exploit that market.
This might be an objective for market growth (getting more customers
in this market) or for market penetration (getting more of the
customers already in this market to buy from this organisation).
For other combinations the objective may be to maintain the current
position. And for some product (service)/market combinations the
objective may be withdrawal, or limiting exposure where there
is a high risk. These objectives might be related to removing
products from the market altogether, or reducing expenditure in
these markets to reduce loses. It is often easy to confuse objectives
with strategies:
- Objectives are what your marketing department seeks to achieve
with its actions;
- Strategy is how you plan to go about meeting the objectives.
It is clear from this that one follows the other, there is no
point thinking about your strategy without already having clear
objectives. A useful checklist for developing good objectives
is 'S.M.A.R.T'
- Specific - objectives should be as focussed as possible
- Measurable - objectives need to be easy to measure so that
you can know when they have been met
- Achievable - there is little point in setting out to do something
you are confident you can not do!
- Relevant - objectives should focus on the most important aspects
of your organisations future, don't waste effort on trivial
- Timely - an objective should have a stated time frame against
it, making it clear by when you intend to achieve it.
- to increase to number of weekend and short-stay (under 4
days) visitors to the resort by 10% in the 2004 season
- To increase the number of long-haul distinction bookings by
15% by the end of 2004
- To capture 10% of the family holiday insurance market within
1 year
The marketing environment: a critique
Moore, Marketing and Promotions Officer
Marwell Zoo, Hampshire |
The review of the external environment and analysis against internal
strengths and weaknesses is undoubtedly an important aspect of
business. However there are a couple of potential problems in
carrying out these activities.
Firstly consider the complexity of the environment. Can managers
ever really understand all the external factors? They are not
political scientists, economists, sociologists or technologists.
The attempt to fully understand can sometimes cause paralysis
in decision making. It may be easier to keep looking for more
information that to actually make a decision.
Information is also historical – it tells a manager what
happened in the past. This means that there is a danger that decisions
are always based on an environment which has already changed.
To help managers, some research organisations specifically focus
on predicting future trends, for example Henley
Worse, it is one thing to look for opportunities, but competition
in most markets is so strong that many organisations may find
nothing but threats.
The process can take over the outcome. Managers may produce incredibly
complex analysis, but fail to translate this into action –
remember that the reason for the review is the development of
strategy – not the production of reports, complex grids
and lists of possible actions. As a manager you will have to ask
yourself what the value of any data is? Can the time and cost
of analysis be justified? Is the process resulting in better decisions?
Has the process become formulaic and is it therefore in need of
a new approach? Ultimately you will have to accept that decisions
are always made with imperfect knowledge. There is always some
risk and doubt. Although this is no excuse for sloppy thinking
and poorly thought through decisions, there is more scope for
creativity and imagination than the established models and processes
sometimes suggest.