Marketing research is a tool for decision-making
that assists managers in their planning efforts by providing appropriate
information relative to the marketing field. To serve this purpose,
research operates in all the components of the marketing mix.
In the pursuit of uncertainty reduction when plans are being made
and in order to understand customers° requirements, researchers
can opt for a number of different methods covered in this section.
Companies are constantly researching their markets in order to
help them arrive to sound decisions, for example Stuart Pearl,
Regional Director of Marketing for Europe, Middle East and Africa
for Cunard Line Seaborne Cruise Line said about marketing research:
Perl, Regional Director of Marketing
(EMEA), Cunard Line Seaborne Cruise Line. |
With timely and relevant information a decision-maker is better
equipped to act. You might have found this yourself when planning
a trip abroad. Beforehand you identified where you wanted to travel,
you may have conducted an Internet search of tentative destinations
and jotted down requirements you had to meet in order to make
this trip.
Armed with this information you were in a better position to
overcome any hiccups you could have encountered on your trip.
However, doing research before travelling does not always guarantee
an incident free experience. The same applies to marketing research,
however a marketer can follow a systematic process in order to
ensure that relevant insight can be captured through research.