For a very brief introduction to this area read
Fill, C (2002) Marketing Communications, Contexts, strategies
and applications, Prentice Hall, chapter 7 on 'Internal marketing
For detail on specific aspects of internal marketing/customer
care you might like to try either of these text books about services
Lovelock, C (1994) Product plus: How product + service = competitive
advantage, McGraww Hill, Chapters 1 and 2 for an overview of the
service dimension.
Ziethmal, & Bitner, (2003) Services Marketing: integrating customer
focus across the firm, McGraw Hill, chapters 1,3 and 6
Brooks, I and Weatherston, J. (1997) The business environment.
Challenges and changes, Prentice Hall.
Lovelock (2001) Services Marketing, people, technology, strategy,
Prentice Hall.
Ziethmal, & Bitner, (2003) Services Marketing: integrating customer
focus across the firm, McGraw Hill