1. My program freezes on playing out to tape what can I do to ensure it plays out okay?
Ans:Ensure your program is stored in the correct folder...i.e the VIDEO STORAGE folder.
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2. I have run out of disk space what do I do now?
Ans:Have you deleted the other projects from the VIDEO STORAGE folder? If not quit iMovie and drag any projects that aren't yours to the waste bin and empty it from the special menu.
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3.My computer has crashed what do I do now?
Ans:Press the little round button on the righthand side of the machine that has a triangle on it. This will restart the computer, but I suggest that you also shut it down from the login screen and start it up from scratch.
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4.What is the best way to edit?
Ans:Put all your rushes onto VHS in the transfer room (P112b) with BITC (Burnt in time code) which will enable you to sit at home and log all your shots and transcribe interview. You can then make descisions before you come into the iMovie room about what you are going to use.
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5.What is the best scource of help?
Ans:The help available within iMove is almost second to none and vey comprehensive. It is accessed from the HELP option at the top of the screen and selecting iMovie Help.
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