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 Quantel FAQ
button3 button3 button3


1. How do I get media into Editbox?

2. How can I create text in Paintbox?

3. How do I sell images from Paintbox to Editbox?

4. What do the RAT's buttons do?

5. Why can't I draw on the screen in Editbox?


1.How do I get media into Editbox?

Ans:  Select the IN/OUT mode to digitise media into EDITBOX.  If the DVCPro Deck is on REMOTE it can be controlled from this menu.  Working along the menus from left to right, select Editbox to be a RECORDER, from VCR.  Then select a destination.  It is possible to send media to the DESK, to CLIPS or to both.  Select what you want to record VID, AUD or both (and if you want audio you must select how many tracks).  Then the simplest method is to select PEN START and PEN STOP - Simply start the media playing and then click GO.  When you tap the tablet with the pen Editbox will start digitising, and when you tap it again, it will stop.

2. How can I create text in Paintbox?

Ans:  Select CUT in the PASTEUP menu.  Select TEXT and then the keyboard function will appear.  To choose a different font select TEXT FONT in the LIBRARY menu.  Once a font has been selected it will automatically appear on the keyboard.

3. How do I sell images from Paintbox to Editbox?

Ans:  Once you have completed your picture or graphic (ensuring any text or cutouts are stuck down), go back into the PAINTING mode and then press button 1 on the RAT.  This sells the image to Editbox as a still frame.


4. What do the RAT's buttons do?

ANS:  The RAT has different functions depending upon which menus you are in and whether you are using Editbox or Paintbox.  However here are a few of it's most common uses: In Paintbox – BUTTON1 sells the current frame to Editbox and buys the next one, BUTTON2 buys the next frame, BUTTON3 shows the previous frame and BUTTON4 sells the current frame.  In Editbox – In the DESK all the Buttons access the FOLDING EDITOR facility (Collapses and expands the reels), but each Button controls it's respective reel, with BUTTON4 changing the mode of all the reels simultaneously.  The central THUMB SWITH also accesses the FETTLE GRAPHS when you are in the COLOUR menu, in the MIX/FX mode.  Another useful hint – When in the VIEWER mode, BUTTON1 inserts an EDIT MARKER without tails, on video and audio, which can then have a transitional effect applied.

5. Why can't I draw in Paintbox?

ANS:  Because you haven't swiped the menu or the palette off the screen